
Drug Take Back Day

Drug Take Back Day was in April set by The American Association of Poison Control Centers. Yet, Drug Take Back Day can be every time you complete taking medication to help ensure your medications do not get into the wrong hands or are resold to someone who may be at risk of injury if they take the drug. This is particularly true for narcotics which are associated with risks when not closely monitored by a physician.

Pill abuse and theft is more common than you may think. Medications were the leading cause of poisonous death in 2009. The vast majority of deaths were adults. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2009 noted that more Americans abuse prescription drugs than the number of Americans that abuse cocaine, hallucinogens and heroin combined.

Proper disposal of expired, unused or unwanted prescription drugs is critically important to prevent abuse and theft. In fact, all medications should be properly stored in your home while you are taking them to ensure they do not get in the hands of your children or other outsiders that are not familiar with proper use, drug interactions, risks or possible side effects.

When a prescription medication is prescribed by your physician, your physician has investigated the benefits, risks and possible drug interactions to help ensure that the drug will assist you. Your pharmacist further helps to ensure this by describing how you should use the medication, possible side effects and when to contact a physician if necessary.

If you are need of a lawyer due to personal injury, please contact attorney Burton A. Padove at Padove Law at (219) 836 2200.

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