
Indiana Law for Gay Marriage Ban

On February 7, 2011, the Indiana House Judiciary Committee secured an 8 to 4 vote towards a resolution about the prospect of banned gay marriage in the State of Indiana. Proposed Resolution 6 would ban gay marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships and any government recognition of gay and lesbian couples in Indiana.  Micah Clark of the American Family Association spoke out to state that the people of Indiana should have the right to define marriage.

If gay couples are not able to be married, they are not able necessarily able to receive the same legal rights as married couples in some very possible legal situations should the relationship maintain longevity. For example, if a gay couple has spent twenty years together with little contact from other family members on either side, the gay couple is more likely to know the wishes of their partner for illness, life and life threatening situations. However, the partner will not be able to speak on a behalf of a partner in life threatening situations when healthcare decisions must be made, according to lack of cohabitation laws. Depending upon the relationship that the healthy partner has with legally responsible family members, the healthy partner may or may not be able to even receive information about the medical condition of the partner, let alone make a healthcare decision for the partner.

This premise also holds true for domestic cohabitants that are heterosexual.  The only form of documentation that would be legally binding in this case is a living will and advanced healthcare directive that specifically states who should be contacted to make healthcare decisions for an ill partner if the ill partner is unable to make such decisions.

This is only one example of the potential legal issues that may arise should gay marriage be banned. This is an ongoing legal issue for heterosexual co-habitants.

If you, your family or a friend need to protect their family law legal rights,  contact PADOVE LAW, toll free at (877) 446 5294 for a free consultation.

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