
Legal Aid Race Set for May 7 2011

It’s time to slip into your sneakers and get ready for a healthy run. The One America 500 Festival Mini-Marathon is set at the same time as the Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret, Kenya, known as the LACE Race. The Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret, Kenya is hoping to raise the number of participants in the race to help support their initiatives for the protection of civil and legal rights of those involved in the AMPATH program, a medical collaboration joining efforts of Indiana University and Moi University in Kenya. LACE supports legal guidance for those in need. LACE is committed to demonstrations of good will for the support of availability of legal counseling for those in need.

LACE needs runners’ support as well since civil rights for all people in Kenya need assistance that LACE is dedicating to providing. If you can sacrifice sweating clothes, minor back aches or other types of aches that runners may experience, it can be very worthwhile to sign up and train for the LACE run. After all, there are numerous rewards, including:

  • Increased energy, as you release endorphins when you perform any activity in which you lift one foot off the floor interchangeably.
  • Fat Burning, when you elevate your heart rate to a training heart rate by an activity in which you lift one foot off the floor interchangeably for at least 25 minutes.
  • Mood Enhancing, endorphin release from running (also known as aerobic exercise) elevates your mood
  • Heart Muscle Strengthening, because running is a cardiovascular exercise.
  • A Sense of Accomplishment, after you train and then master the LACE Run.
  • Increased Discipline, as the goal of the LACE race can help keep you on track.

So, you can enjoy many benefits by putting one foot in front of the other for the upcoming LACE Run.

If you, your family or a friend need to protect their legal rights, contact PADOVE LAW, toll free at (877) 446 5294 for a free consultation.

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