
Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Highland and Elsewhere Killing Thousands

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), there were more than 5,400 people who were killed in distraction-related car accidents in 2009. There were thousands more who were injured during this same period. Distractions and driving just don’t mix.According to the Indiana Department of Labor, a lot of workers spend all or some or their day behind the wheel. The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (2009) reports that the single highest cause of worker death in the state of Indiana is attributed to highway vehicle accidents.

These kinds of car accidents in Highland and elsewhere account for about 20 percent of all fatal work-related accidents.

Our Highland car accident lawyers understand there are a few companies that enact cell phone policies for driving workers. In recognition of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2012, we encourage all employers to make sure that driving employees are safe on the road and aren’t engaging in distractions. For this year’s campaign, the National Safety Council (NSC) has provided employers with a sample Cell Phone Policy Kit to help kickoff safer driving habits among all employees.

In addition to targeting workers, this year’s National Distracted Driving Awareness Month is also asking non-working drivers to make the pledge to curb the distractions while driving. This includes talking on cell phones, text messaging, talking with passengers, grooming, adjusting in-car controls and engaging in other forms of distraction behind the wheel.

During this month-long campaign, parents are urged to talk with teen drivers about the risks associated with distracted driving. Nearly 20 percent of all teen drivers who were involved in a fatal accident in 2009 were reported to have been distracted during the collision. As a matter of fact, about 40 percent of teens say they’ve been in a vehicle with a driver who was using a cell phone in a way that put the people in the car at serious risk.

Drivers who use hand-held devices behind the wheel are nearly 5 times more likely to get into a serious accident. Drivers who text message at the wheel are nearly 25 times more likely to get into a serious accident.

Here’s why: Drivers who text behind the wheel take their eyes off of the road for an average of about 5 seconds each time. If you’re traveling at 55 mph, that’s the entire length of a football field you’d drive without even looking at the road. It’s so bad that driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity that’s associated with driving by close to 40 percent.

Drivers are asked to curb the distractions behind the wheel. Keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road and your mind on driving. You can help to keep you and your passengers safe on our roadways. Spread the word. It’s National Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2012!

If you, a friend or a member of your family has been injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident, contact the Highland Injury Attorney Burton A. Padove. Call today to set up a free and confidential appointment to discuss your case. Call 219-836-2200.

More Blog Entries:

Indiana Car Accident Claims: Teens, Technology & Distracted Driving
March 31, 2012

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