
Indiana Injury And Family Lawyer Blog


Balogh v. Balogh – Post-Nuptial Agreements Can Protect Property

By now, most people are familiar with the concept of pre-nuptial agreements. These are contracts signed before a couple recites their vows, and are typically intended to protect assets acquired by the individuals prior to the union. Less recognized, but no less formal before the courts, are post-nuptial agreements. These…


In re: J.A.L. – Securing Elderly Guardianship in Indiana

Typically when our Highland family law attorneys talk about guardianship of an individual, we are speaking of children. However, as the population ages, with increasing frequency we are seeing individuals seeking guardianship of elderly relatives and loved ones. Adult guardianship in Indiana, similar to child guardianship, is a legal process…


Frackman v. Enzor – Evidence of Substance Abuse, Mental Illness, a Material Change in Circumstance for Child Custody Case

Modification of child custody orders in Indiana, as well as in many other states, typically requires evidence of some material change in circumstances. That is, something is substantially different to such an extent that reconsideration of the previous order is necessary. Gary child custody attorneys know that some general examples…


Crossland v. Crossland – Eligibility for Gov’t Benefits Weighed in Divorce Case

With increasing frequency, older couples are choosing to separate after several decades together. Our Hammond divorce lawyers recognize that in some respects, these cases are simpler, mainly for the fact that young children are not part of the equation. A lack of a custody battle ratchets down the potential for…


Stanley v. Stanley – Fraudulent Conveyance of Property Pre-Divorce

In some ways, divorce proceedings are much like that of a bankruptcy. Both can involve the litigation of highly personal matters, and both require intense, third-party analysis of your finances. In both scenarios, once a filing is made, every financial decision you make thereafter – and some you made before…


Equitable Distribution in Divorce Weighed by Indiana Appellate Court

When exploring the possibility of filing for divorce in Indiana, one primary consideration is the way in which courts divvy up property accrued during the marriage. The courts have established that the goal is equitable distribution, which some mistake to mean “equal distribution.” This is not so. Hammond divorce attorneys…


Indiana Divorce Involving Co-Owners of Business

When married, co-entrepreneurs are busy getting their business off the ground, they often don’t consider what might happen if they divorce. It’s understandably not a pleasant scenario to consider, particularly when things are going well. However, a family-owned business run by married couples can quickly tank if the divorce is…

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