
Teens and Risks for Car Accidents in Highland and Elsewhere during Summer Season

Even though it’s been about a year since teens in our state were banned from texting behind the wheel, about half of all teenage Hoosiers admit to still doing it. With these young drivers out of school, they’ll be hitting the road for what’s become known as the 100 Deadliest Days for car accidents in Highland and elsewhere.

The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is the deadliest of the year for young drivers, according to INC NOW.For this reason, AT&T members are hitting the road and reaching out to teens across the country through the “It Can Wait” campaign. This is a campaign to get teens to stop texting behind the wheel. Statistics prove that teens between the ages of 13- and 18-years-old send about 60 text messages a day. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller joined other leaders around the state, AT&T representatives and students at New Tech Academy recently to raise awareness about the importance of keeping their eyes and their mind on the road while keeping electronic devices out of the driver’s seat.

Highland car accident lawyers understand that it’s not only about the safety of these young drivers, it’s also about the responsible motorists that share the road with them. When a driver is distracted, everyone is at risk. To help to educate our state’s teens about these dangers, students were offered a try in a new simulator to see just how good their skills were behind the wheel when engaging in distractions. The simulator showed all of the teens that they were at some serious risks for an accident when they were texting behind the wheel.

“It was hard to see what else was going on. People would just walk out and there were deer and dogs and kids,” said Haleigh Hunly, a student at New Tech Academy.

When it all boils down, a driver who is texting behind the wheel is close to 25 times more likely to get into an accident. There’s no getting around it, texting while driving requires your eyes to come off of the roadway. For text messages, drivers take their eyes of the road for about 4.5 seconds. If you’re driving at 55 miles per hour and text message, then you could drive the length of a football field during that time and never see what’s going on around you.

In the state, drivers who are busted text messaging while driving face a fine of $25. For the second offense and so on and so forth, drivers face a $50 fine. Drivers who are 18-years-old and younger are not only prohibited from talking on a cell phone behind the wheel, but they’re also prohibited from texting, too.

Parents are asked to reinforce our state’s laws and ask their teens to be responsible behind the wheel and to keep the distractions out of the driver’s seat. Working to raise awareness about the risks and consequences of distracted driving can help to improve roadway safety for everyone.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a car accident, contact Highland Injury Attorney Burton A. Padove to set up a free and confidential appointment to discuss your case. Call 219-836-2200.

More Blog Entries:

Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Highland and Elsewhere Killing Thousands, Indiana Injury and Family Lawyer Blog, April 20, 2012

Indiana Car Accident Claims: Teens, Technology & Distracted Driving, Indiana Injury and Family Lawyer Blog, March 31, 2012

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