Indiana Labor Day Accident Kills Passenger, Injures Both Drivers

Many people take advantage of the long Labor Day weekend to go on vacation or visit family. When travelers drive home on Labor Day, they will often encounter heavy traffic. When drivers are stuck in traffic, they may drive erratically out of frustration, such as rapidly changing lanes. Those who are leaving a Labor Day party may even operate their vehicle while intoxicated. Not surprisingly, the risk of a Labor Day crash is high. In fact, National Safety Council estimated that 455 people may have died in a car accident this past Labor Day.

For example, a Labor Day crash in Indianapolis, Indiana left one person dead and two others injured. According to a news article covering the accident, police responded to the two-vehicle crash on northbound I-69. At the scene, police and firefighters found a vehicle with front-end damage and another with rear-end damage in the middle of the roadway. Sadly, one passenger died at the scene. The two drivers were transported to the hospital for their injuries. One of the drivers tested positive for illegal substances and a high blood alcohol content. Police are still investigating the cause of the crash, but they arrested the intoxicated driver.

How Can You Stay Safe in Holiday Traffic?

Given the heightened risk of an accident during holiday traffic, drivers should take extra precautions to stay safe on the road. First, drivers should minimize distractions. Paying attention to the road is all the more important in holiday traffic. In response to traffic, drivers may come to an abrupt stop. If you are not paying attention to traffic, you risk rear-ending the vehicle in front of you. To stay focused, avoid eating or using your phone until you arrive at your destination. If you need to make an emergency call, pull over on the shoulder of the highway. Second, if you have been drinking at a Labor Day party, refrain from getting behind the wheel. Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) often leads to severe, entirely preventable accidents. Instead, minimize your alcohol consumption or arrange for a friend or family member to drive instead. Finally, if you notice an erratic driver, try to pull over on the shoulder of the highway. Traffic can lead drivers to make poor decisions, such as speeding or rapidly changing lanes without using a signal. The best way to deal with erratic drivers is to let them pass you. Agitating them further could lead to a road rage incident. While not all accidents are preventable, following these tips can help you and your passengers stay safe on Labor Day and in other holiday traffic.

Have You Been Hurt in an Indiana Labor Day Accident?

Holiday traffic accidents can lead to significant physical and emotional harm. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a Labor Day accident, contact Padove Law for assistance. Indiana personal injury attorney Burton A. Padove understands that accident victims deserve compensation for the harm they have suffered. Through Attorney Padove’s dedicated representation, he has secured considerable sums for his clients in all areas of personal injury law. To learn more, and to schedule a free initial consultation, call our office at 219-836-2200. We will not bill you for our time unless we can secure compensation on your behalf.

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