Receiving Compensation After a Fatal Indiana Car Accident

After a fatal Indiana car accident, you may feel overwhelmed with the aftermath of the collision and feel unsure of what steps to take next. If medical expenses, bills, and other financial pressures are stacking up in the wake of losing a loved one, it may be time to consider filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. Although the lawsuit will not bring your loved one back, it could provide some financial reprieve for you and your loved ones on your journey to healing.

According to a recent local news report, a man was charged with driving while intoxicated after a fatal Indiana crash that took place last March. Indiana State Police reported that the March accident was a single-vehicle accident, where a Jeep Cherokee crashed into a median wall and overturned. The driver of the Jeep had two passengers in the vehicle, one of which died from injuries stemming from the accident. The Jeep driver was charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and causing death and causing death when operating a motor vehicle with an alcohol concentration equivalent of 0.08 or more.

If you recently lost a loved one in a fatal Indiana car accident and the at-fault party may have been intoxicated or driving under the influence, you may be entitled to compensation. Because your loved one’s death was likely because of the at-fault party’s recklessness and negligence, this could establish the basis for your personal injury claim.

Furthermore, Indiana law specifically provides those who have lost a loved one in a personal injury incident with the ability to recover compensation through wrongful death lawsuits or claims. Under Indiana’s General Wrongful Death Act, “when the death of one is caused by the wrongful act or omission of another, the personal representative of the former may maintain an action therefore against the latter, if the former might have maintained an action had they lived.”

Under this statute, Indiana allows for the recovery of reasonable medical, hospital, funeral, and burial expenses. It also allows for the recovery of the lost earnings of the deceased person. Although Indiana’s wrongful death statute allows dependent family members to receive compensation for the loss of love and affection following their loved one’s death, those who were not dependent on the deceased are unable to do so.

If you are considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit because you have recently lost a loved one, it is best to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Because these cases can often involve complex details and issues, it is to you and your family’s benefit to start the process as soon as possible so that you can move forward on your road to recovery.

Do You Need an Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you have recently lost someone you love in an Indiana car accident, contact the attorney Burton A. Padove for assistance today. Mr. Padove has years of experience fighting for the injured and will work to get you the compensation you deserve. To schedule an initial consultation today, contact us at 219-836-2200.

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