Tips to Prevent Car Accidents in Highland and Elsewhere during Cinco de Mayo

There are a number of locations that will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo 2012 within the area this weekend. Before heading out to these celebrations and before slamming some Coronas or tequila shots, we’re asking partygoers to make sure they’ve got a sober ride home.

Cinco de Mayo brings about some of the most intoxicated drivers. With the proper planning, we can all do our part to reduce the risks of alcohol-related car accidents in Highland and elsewhere throughout the area during the weekend fiesta!Our Highland accident attorneys understand that nearly 11,000 people are expected to die this year in drunk driving car accidents throughout the country. That’s a death every 50 minutes. Motorists are urged to be cautious on our roadways over the Cinco de Mayo holiday as far too many drivers are expected to get behind the wheel after having too much to drink. Our personal injury attorneys are asking residents to review these few simple safety tips, from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), to help to keep safe and out of an accident over the weekend.

Everyone is urged to designate a driver before heading out for the celebration. This means designating a sober driver. The person who has had the least to drink does not count as a designated driver. If you find yourself out without a designated driver, don’t worry because there are other safe ways to get around. You can call a friend or a family member to come pick you up. You can call a taxi or take the bus. You can even grab a hotel room or stay at a buddy’s house. Whatever you do, you do not want to get behind the wheel after consuming any amount of alcohol.

Remember that even if you’re not planning on drinking, there are a ton of people who are. This means you’ve got to be extra careful if you’re driving on our roadways over the weekend. Stay one step ahead of the traffic around you. If you think you’ve spotted a drunk driver, you’re urged to call local authorities and report them. Getting a drunk driver off of our roadways can help to save lives.

How to Report a Drunk Driver:

-Stay away from the suspected vehicle. Getting too close to an intoxicated driver puts you and your vehicle in unnecessary risks for an accident.

-Don’t try to pass the vehicle or try to stop them yourself.

-Get the vehicle’s license plate. Also, get the make, the model and the color of the vehicle. If you can, get a description of the driver.

-Call 9-1-1 and report this information to authorities. Include information regarding the location of the vehicle and the direction it’s heading.

Everyone is encouraged to go hang out and enjoy the holiday. Go out with old friends. Go out and make some new ones. Go out with a plan and return home safely!

If you, a friend of someone in your family has been involved in an alcohol-related car accident in Highland or in any of the surrounding areas, call Burton Padove to schedule a free and confidential consultation to learn about how to ensure receipt for financial compensation for injuries. Call us at 219-836-2200.

More Blog Entries:

Driver with 100+ Violations Still Causing Car Accidents in Indiana, Indiana Injury and Family Lawyer Blog, January 31, 2012

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