Car Accidents: Uninsured Underinsured Motorists Call To Action

Car accidents can be reduced if we were heed one of the earliest lessons offered in driver’s training or during behind-the-wheel instruction- be a defensive driver.  Anticipate what others might do on the road. Be aware of your surroundings. Listen. Be cautious. Be ready to take evasive action if a car accident is upon you. Prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario.

Car accidents today, however, often have nothing to do with a driver’s competence or a vehicle’s road-worthiness. A car accident could be caused by the risky acts of another driver.  In fact, one of the great road risks has nothing to do with or a driver’s competence. It is the absence of auto/truck insurance or the lack of adequate coverage.

Did you know that some states have upwards of 25 percent uninsured or under-insured drivers on the road during any given day, according to the National Insurance Council? In tough economic times, these numbers can increase dramatically. As traumatic as a car accident can be, imagine for a moment that the other driver who hits you doesn’t have auto insurance at all, or has inadequate car insurance.  The thought of being injured or your car being rendered inoperable can quickly turn into a painful reality and nightmare following a car accident.

Some states required uninsured or under-insured motorist coverage, but in others, as in California, it is only recommended to be a part of liability coverage.  Insurance agents prefer their clients have the coverage because it is relatively inexpensive. Protecting yourself is essential to mitigate substantial losses that can affect yourself, your livelihood, and family.

The Uninsured or Underinsured Driver

When a car accident occurs, uninsured motorist (UM) or under-insured motorist (UIM) coverage typically pays for injuries to the driver and passengers and property damage if the other uninsured or under-insured driver is at fault and legally responsible.

An uninsured driver is classified in one of these five ways:

1)       Not having any auto insurance

2)       Does not meet state-mandated minimum liability requirements

3)       Denied insurance coverage

4)       Allowed insurance to lapse due to financial issues or neglect

5)       Hit-and-run accident involving bodily injury

In a car accident where the fault lies with the un- or under-insured driver, the insured driver’s UM or UIM coverage can pay for or offset any damages incurred. It is essential to consult with your insurance professional to find out the type and amount of coverage to make sure you and your loved ones are protected.

It has been said that the best offense is a good defense. If you aren’t sure if you are covered or to the extent you are covered from this uninsured risk, don’t delay picking up the phone and finding out from your insurance agent. You’ll be thankful for the additional peace of mind knowing that you are doing all you can to a safe, responsible and defensive driver in these uncertain times.

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, call Burton Padove for a free consultation to learn about how to ensure receipt for financial compensation for injuries you or others sustain at 219-836-2200.

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